What is your Personal Environment like?

“You are a product of your environment,

Surround yourself with the best”

It is very true that our quality of life depends on our surroundings. Positive people, Believers, Peaceful home environment, Intelligent coworkers, healthy office space, determines a person’s well being .

 So what is your personal environment like? Are there people who make you feel negative, drained out, annoyed or depressed? Then, it is the best to avoid them, ignore them or even better delete them from your personal space, if possible.

It is essential that we surround ourselves with positive energy and positive people. Maintain an environment which keeps you upbeat and positive. Everywhere you go, you will meet people who can lift you or drop you. So, every individual must make a conscious effort to protect their personal space from negative energy, as energy is contagious. Don’t expect positive changes in your life, if your personal environment is filled with complainers, vicious people, constant negativity, highly critical people or anything that disrupts your peace of mind.

But, we cannot control the people or surroundings, there will always be good and bad. So how do we protect our personal environment? 

It starts with us. We need to think positive, give our best in everything we do today, eliminate jealousy, gossip and any ill-will towards other people and focus on the good, inside you and around you. As per the law of attraction, like attracts like. When you radiate positivity and love to everyone or everything around, it will boomerang to you in form of positive people and nourishing environment. 

Thus, the way a gardener protects his land and crops, we all need to protect our thoughts and surroundings. We cannot afford any infestation in our minds or environment or it may become a part of us.  Therefore, a  positive, personal environment is a great builder of peace of mind, self-esteem, encouragement, happiness and victory! 🙂

Finally, do not feel guilty about removing toxic people from your life!!!

Mind your wings while flying in the negative zone of your life 🙂 🙂  


  1. Harmonie · August 17, 2015

    Wonderful! Thanks 🙂 But sometimes, failure makes me lose faith in the Law of Attraction, I am not sure if I really can be optimistic when everything seems to be going wrong. But it certainly cannot be wrong. Your post made me want to try once more.
    Take care, best wishes. 🙂


    • mindyourwings · August 18, 2015

      All the best!! It’s all about the strength of your belief… It worked for me… I hope it works for you too.. God bless you

      Liked by 1 person

      • Harmonie · August 18, 2015

        Thanks so much 🙂 take care


  2. Ashley · August 18, 2015

    It’s like you got in my head and knew what I needed to hear. This has been my message for the last 24 hours! Thanks for the reinforcement! ❤


    • mindyourwings · August 19, 2015

      Or it’s the universe just reminding you through me 😉 Thank you for reading 🙂


      • Ashley · August 19, 2015

        Exactly. 🙂


  3. Pat Cegan · August 20, 2015

    good advice. ❤ hugs, pat


  4. Ngobesing Romanus · August 26, 2015

    Excellent advice for everybody. “We are the product of our environment.” Great words. I would like to know the author.


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