Get up! Get Back!


Testing times are tough

They test our faith and everything we believe in.

Hope is ironic; It disappears, when we need it the most!

There are times when we feel let down by everything and everyone.

But, as long as your breath and heartbeat are with you, 

Get up, Get back!

It might hurt a lot and take every bit of your willpower

But, only you decide when your story ends.

It’s after the darkest night that the sun rises!

But, what if the dark night seems incessant.

Then light the fire in your soul.

It gives you strength, determination and guidance. 

Keep looking for hope, faith, solutions

And you will find it.

If we can find a plant in the desert, water in a dry land

Then you can find the willpower, hope and faith to continue.

So , Get up and Get back on the wagon!

Mind your wings



Walk away…


When you are not being treated well; Walk away

When your respect is being tampered on; Walk away

It may hurt for a while,

But, short term pain is better than life time misery

Knowing when to walk away is: Wisdom

 Being able to do it is: Courage

And doing it with dignity: is a BLISS

The road maybe unknown or rocky ahead

But, you can count on your steady footsteps

You may miss the security of familiarity

But, when walking away is a Bliss

Having faith in yourself is the first step when walking away!

Mind your wings


That Leap of Faith



“Sometimes the only transportation you have, is the leap of faith!”

So often we hear, about people taking the leap of faith. It’s not the same as being impulsive. Taking that leap of faith includes, noticing the chaos, discomfort and possible outcomes. And then, having the faith to walk that path, step by step.

And the more you think; the more you twist, turn and manipulate it. So, as abstruse as it sounds. You need to listen and trust your gut.

So often I was told to take that “Leap of faith.” But, I could not. And when it was right, I did take that big leap. BUT, we need to understand, that we do not control the consequences exclusively. It also depends on the circumstances, other people involved and how honest are we with ourselves and our actions.

Take that leap of faith, spread your wings, learn, fall and glide again! If you do not jump, your parachute will never open. You maybe safe, but you will never soar!!

Mind your wings

10 things Yoga taught me

When I started my yoga practice, I wanted to be more strong, flexible and calm. Period. I was not looking anything further. But, sometimes the best gifts come in disguise. Yoga taught me lessons that have metamorphosed my life!

Life Lessons Yoga taught me

1. The body, thoughts follow the Breath

Breathe right! It may sound simple or even trivial. But everytime you feel lost, disconnected; Breathe deeper and be aware of the sound and the sensations. It gives you the courage and comfort to keep moving. Just like we use Ujjayi breath to stay in an asana, be aware of your breath to flow through the day!

2. Be present

We are either planning , reviewing, worrying or fantasizing. We are so often caught in the past or future, that we forget to relish the here and now. Yoga without awareness is not yoga! We might do a 108 suryanamaskars with our mind all over the place. But, a mindful 21 suryanamaskars is so much more beneficial to the mind, body and soul! Therefore, use your breath to stay present. 🙂

3. Find your balance

It sounds simple enough to say “you need balance in your life;” But it’s another thing to attain that balance. Yoga teaches us that balance is a result of discipline and perseverance. When we fall off the wagon, we can either wait for the next asana. Or, we decide to get back on the wagon until we succeed. Life plays by the same rules too…

4. Look inside for solutions

I love the quote, “When you change, the whole world around you changes!” “I had a bad day, the mat is slippery, the music is too loud, so on and so forth.” We can either look for everything that is wrong on the outside or you can choose to make your practice better! So often we blaming everything around us. But, maybe we are the sole problem. So look inside, introspect and you will find the best things in life.

5. It’s about the journey, not the destination!

Remember all the times you fell, while trying to get into the headstand. The times worked for a stronger core, that you could get into the headstand. Similarly, life is about the journey, not the destination. Enjoy the means and the end is justified!

6. The body has intuition

Your body knows when to stop or take a break. That’s why the lack of flexibility or we get sick. The body knows your limits, so follow it to be injury-free. Similarly, so often our “heart is wrenching” or “there are butterflies in the stomach.” The body has intuition relating to your physical limits and your emotional needs. Value listening to what the body has to say and you will love and be comfortable in your body!

7. How we do one thing is how we do everything

One of the amazing things about yoga, is that similarly to psychotherapy.  People tend to approach their practice in the same way that they approach other areas of their life. Do you eaily give up when you cannot get into an asana? Everytime you faulter in a balance asanas, do you come back easily? For this reason, raise your practice and life becomes easier!

8. We are good at what we do everyday

When we practice a particular asana everyday. We get into that pose perfectly and we can stay there effortlessly. Similarly, practice kindness, courage, respect everyday. And these qualities become a part of you!

9. Your practice is unique

Do what feels best and feels right in your body. This is the same for your life. Accept challenges and your body/life will have a newness to it. What works for another person may not work for you. So design your life, your way!

10. Laugh at your bloopers

Once in a while we might have fallen on our neighbour, while trying to balance. Or your body might have sqeaked, quacked or wheezed. Just laugh it out! Don’t take life too seriously. Smile in an asana and in your daily life. It’s way to short to get embarrased or depressed. 🙂 🙂

I went into yoga for a physical experience and came out with a renewed sense of purpose! There was mental clarity, gratitude, more flexibility for mankind and a different mental process. Who would have thought all that could come from spending sixty minutes on a mat?

Iti Jain

Thoughts on turning 30


And I have turned Thirtyyy!!! Happy? Sad? Indifferent is more like it. Age is just a number right…

Honestly, I have been dreading the Big fat 30! It’s so old. I am an aunty…! But secretly, I enjoy being an aunt to my nieces and nephews. They make me love, laugh, play, pout and cherish the small things in life. 🙂 🙂

And my 5 year plan has gone awry. I’m not anywhere near it. On the other hand, life has given me better gifts! I love my offbeat work. I am a better version of myself. I am finally more open and non-judgemental (almost there). And, I try to live, one day at a time. 

Though I missed a couple of things in my 20s. There are so many things I look forward to in my 30s:

  • Continue globe-trotting
  • Fall in love and get married (It may be over rated, but still want to do it 😉 )
  • Learn and Teach different yoga styles
  • Attend music festivals
  • Dress up like a hippie and travel in luxury
  • Attend a rave party…? 
  • Sit in meditation for 60 minutes, without sleeping
  • Be a better version of my current self 
  • Finally, Have babies.. 

Laugh all you want, as its’ rare anyway! (my list is not rare; Laughter is). But again, life is full of surprises. And, I have learnt to be careful of what I wish for! 

There are times, we are so focused on our  plans, that we miss out on life! And, its’ only when we get a jolt, that we start cherishing the things we have. I am absolutely grateful for everything in life. We take so many things for granted. And its’ only when they are slipping or we lose them, that we realize their value.

So Dear 30s, I am already in love with you. We’ll make a great team and looking forward to doing more authentic things in life. 🙂 😉

Mind your wings

Falling “In&out” of old patterns

breaking bad habits

We set our intent on giving up on a bad habit, toxic ways or toxic people. We give it our best shot, get the momentum going and then.. Bamm, we fall of the wagon.

Then, the wise thing is to be aware of the trigger that led us to indulge in old ways. Recognise it and set an alternate response to the trigger. Teach your mind, visualise it and it will be done!

For a long time, you’re happy about building nurturing new habits or having nourishing people around you. Then, some event/situation builds up and BAMMM…. Back to old defeating ways. 

Building a new habit consists of unlearning and learning. It can be a complex process. But, all you need is consistency to keep getting up, every time you fall. Once you really see, that you need to change something in your life. You can do it! Real change takes a moment of understanding. And weeks, sometimes months of practicing.

In all your weak times, Remind yourself, why you started in the first place! And see the small tiny positive changes that have been produced; with the mere effort. So a little more, and you will be there!

Everyone has their own journey carved out. But, motivate your fellow-passengers. In-turn, be motivated to nourish your life with good habits, people and environment.  If they can do it, you can do it too!! And the exhiliration you feel, is surreal. 🙂 🙂

Mind your wings

“Sometimes, I don’t like what I see in the mirror.” And Meditation is a mirror


When we start practicing meditation on a regular basis. Our awareness automatically increases. We are able to see our motives behind actions, our deepest fears, the mistakes we made; Basically, we are able to see our innermost selves. That is hidden from the world and often from ourselves too!

Thus, when meditating, we are taken aback. Sometimes, we don’t like what we see. But the other times, appreciate yourself for all the good work. Be grateful that you have turned out humane.

Meditation cannot be distorted or you cannot be partial. You will see the good, bad and ugly. BUT, the aim of meditation is not transformation. The result of meditation can be transforming. Overtime, we need to stop judging what we see. We just need to be aware and accepting! And as a result of our awareness, we raise our consciousness as people. Our perspective becomes wider and atleast we see our trueselves. That is often hidden in midst of our ego and chattering mind.

Irrespective of all, spend more time with you. As only when you see the most authentic you, can you help yourself. Orselse, you’ll keep moving in circles.

Meditate, not because you want to become a better person. Meditate, because you want the best of you to be reflected!!

Mind your wings

This Heart of mine has its’ own mind


Shhhhhhhhh…. It’s illogical, it’s insane!

Well, try telling it to my heart

It has a mind of it’s own.

Just when, I think I have it figured out

The heart starts beating faster

And it starts manipulating the mind

Worse, it starts affecting my thoughts and action!

How do I be rational and mature?

When there is a dictator inside me.

Everytime, I ignore my heart, there is chaos in my life

Sometimes, when I listen to it, it’s an absolute bliss!

The other times, Oh Lord, it is a complete miss…

Then, how do I fuction? how do I take decisions?

Do I hear balance? Well try telling that to the mind or the heart

They refuse to co-operate only at crucial times.

Overtime, I have learnt to sleep over what my heart tells

I have also learnt to weigh the consequences of the actions

If I can take the responsibility of the decision, without causing lateral damage 

And without hurting someone beyond repair

Then, I just do it!!

And to the spectators, naysayers, gossipmongers,

Please excuse my heart, As it has a mind of its own

Mind your wings



It’s OK to make wrong decisions


It’s ok to make wrong decisions. As the fear of making wrong choices, often freezes us and it leaves us stagnant in life. Action is always better than inaction.

Whenever making a decision, weigh the pros and cons. Sleep over it. Think of the consequences and always remember that “Every action-choice-decision, has a ripple effect in your life and the environment you live in.” So be careful, but don’t be scared!!

There are times, we make wrong choices. We invest in a wrong career, fall in love with the wrong person, make small mistakes that change the route of our lives. It’s not the end of your story. Be strong, face the consequences of your decisions and make amends. Not for the world, but for yourself and the people who were affected by the decisions.

We need to learn to take decisions from a young age. From small things, like what we want to eat, what hobby class do we enroll in, how do we want to spend the savings to what we want to do in holidays. When we start taking decisions, our brains are wired to think and make choices. This will help us, at the pedestal when we need to important decisions. Start early and enjoy the ripple effect….

Mind your wings

Unconditional love


It’s rare, elusive and sparse!

Think of the people, you love the MOST

Can you love and accept them, if their flaws are magnified

Would you travel the world, to spend one day with them

Would you stick to them, when the world ostracizes them

Can you love them the same, when they doubt your love

Can you love them the same, when they leave your nest

Maybe you can. Maybe you can’t


When you find someone who loves you unconditionally

It changes you, forever

It heals your deepest wounds

It brings out the best in you

It is the best metamorphosis that can happen to you!

It’s a bliss, if another person loves you unconditionally

And magical, if you can offer it to you ;

And everyone around you.

Mind your wings